Where Personal InjuryMeets Personal Service

Experienced Louisville Truck Accident Lawyer

Taking Action on Behalf of Clients Whose Lives are Changed Forever

You see trucks every day on the Dixie Highway, Interstate 65, the Henry Watterson Expressway and other roads in and around Louisville. You might grip the steering wheel a little tighter when a big rig passes you, but you don’t expect to be involved in a serious accident. Unfortunately, Louisville truck accident attorney Aaron Whaley knows crashes involving passenger vehicles and commercial trucks happen all too often in Kentucky.

Truck wrecks are among the most catastrophic types of accidents we handle at the Whaley Law Firm. That’s because, given the size and weight of big rigs and the significant forces involved in a truck crash, accident victims often sustain serious and potentially life-threatening injuries. A Louisville truck accident can also be incredibly complicated because of the many entities that could be at fault.

When you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you need excellent legal representation to recover damages in full. You simply can’t rely on the insurance company to have your back or give you a fair deal. Most insurers ignore critical damages, including future medical bills and non-economic damages. Our experienced truck accident lawyer will fight to get you the benefits you deserve, such as future medical expenses, loss of enjoyment of life, property damage, mental distress, and more.

Don’t sign anything or make any agreements with the insurance company. Hire the Louisville truck accident lawyer you can trust. Contact the Whaley Law Firm today. We’re here to help you. Call our office at 502-532-2340 for a free case evaluation with an experienced Louisville truck accident attorney.

What Types of Truck Accidents Commonly Occur in Louisville, KY?

A truck accident may involve a tractor-trailer, 18-wheeler, delivery van, or any other type of large commercial vehicle. Truck drivers are required to follow laws to ensure they keep all others on the road safe. Trucking companies are required to adhere to numerous federal standards to ensure that only qualified, licensed drivers are hired to operate well-maintained vehicles. When these drivers and companies take shortcuts to put profits ahead of people, they may be liable for causing a serious truck accident in Kentucky.

Some examples of accidents our legal team handles include:

  • Head-on collision
  • Sideswipe accident
  • T-bone collision
  • Rear-end crash
  • Distracted driving
  • Drunk driving

Our firm is familiar with the most common contributing factors in truck accidents. This knowledge, combined with our understanding of state and federal law, means we know how to get results for clients. We know how to investigate trucking companies and get to the bottom of what happened. We’re familiar with the arguments that truck drivers, trucking companies, and insurance providers try to make after an accident. We’ve seen over and over again how badly victims can suffer because the trucking companies refuse to put safety first, putting profits ahead of people.

That’s why we work so hard on behalf of truck accident victims to hold negligent parties accountable. We leave no stone unturned on behalf of those injured due to someone else’s reckless behavior.

What Are Some Common Causes for Kentucky Accidents Involving Commercial Trucks?

Motor vehicle accidents can be caused by many different factors. In some cases, the incident is truly an accident that was not preventable, such as when an unexpected piece of debris causes a driver to swerve suddenly. However, many catastrophic injuries are incurred because of negligent commercial truck drivers, trucking companies, or other at-fault parties.

Some examples of causes for Louisville truck accidents include:

  • Ignoring safety regulations
  • Driving while distracted, including texting, eating while driving, or using another handheld device
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Driver fatigue
  • Tractor trailers not being loaded properly, causing an imbalance in cargo
  • Large commercial trucks not being properly maintained, leading to system failure
  • Truck manufacturer negligence
  • Other driver negligence, including failing to yield the right of way or obey traffic signals
  • Reckless driving, such as speeding, changing lanes without signaling, or other traffic violations
  • Driving in inclement weather or at night

Whether your accident was the cause of the trucking company, loading crew, manufacturer, or driver, our truck accident lawyer will fight for you. We promise to leverage all of our experience, knowledge, and honesty to get you the results you need in your truck accident lawsuit. Call today to learn more about how we can help with your personal injury claim.

How Is Liability Determined in a Louisville Truck Accident?

Truck accident claims are unique because determining liability can be extremely difficult. Hiring capable truck accident attorneys is crucial in commercial truck accidents because victims often struggle to make their voices heard when they are confronted with large companies and their highly trained lawyers.

Proving liability is a critical part of recovering from trucking accidents because victims will not regain compensation without proving who is at fault. In Kentucky, your compensation will be reduced even if you were only partially at fault. Demonstrating that the other party is liable can ensure you walk away with the money you need to rebuild your life following your injuries.

Truck accident lawyers dedicate themselves to investigating the cause of the crash and uncovering the truth about what happened. Your attorney can access essential pieces of evidence, including the police report, eyewitness accounts, surveillance footage, and more. Experienced truck accident attorneys work with professional accident reconstructionists to determine what caused the crash.

When you hire our law firm, you can rest assured that we will hold all responsible parties liable for their negligence and recover the damages you deserve. Reach out to The Whaley Law Firm today for help with even the most complex truck accident cases.

What Makes Your Law Firm Different?

We’re Firmly In Your Corner, Start To Finish. When you contact us after a truck accident, we’ll listen to your story and explain your legal options. If you hire us, we’ll deal with the trucking company and the insurance companies on your behalf, leaving you free to focus on getting better. We pore over accident reports and review insurance policies to maximize the coverage available to you. Our legal team takes a hard line in negotiations, and we’re always ready to go to trial because we understand this is about your future.

Throughout the process, we’ll answer your questions, address your concerns, and make sure you’re prepared for the next stage. You were there. You know what happened. We will help you tell your story and fight to hold the trucking company accountable.

Remember, it’s crucial to take action immediately before the trucking company can destroy critical evidence. The sooner an attorney intervenes and starts an independent investigation, the better off you are. Don’t go up against a trucking company on your own. Schedule your free consultation with an experienced truck accident lawyer.

Why Do I Need an Attorney for my Truck Accident Case?

It’s the type of case that seems particularly unfair: you’ve been injured or a loved one has been injured or died after being struck by a tractor-trailer, semi-truck or 18-wheeler. But while you have every right to expect the trucking company and its insurance company to pay medical bills and other accident-related damages, you may find that getting justice can be a difficult process when it comes to trucking companies and their insurance carriers.

At the Whaley Law Firm, our Louisville truck accident attorneys have experience representing people seriously injured in truck accidents across Kentucky. Proving fault can be difficult after a Kentucky truck accident. A distracted, fatigued, or drunk driver may deny any wrongdoing. A trucking company may hide or even destroy evidence that proves their negligent behavior contributed to a crash. The insurance company may try to delay or even deny your claim. You shouldn’t have to foot the bill for somebody else’s negligent or reckless behavior.

When you’ve done nothing wrong, it’s critical to speak with an attorney who will put your needs first. The Whaley Law Firm is ready to help. Assisted by professional accident investigators, our firm examines all trucking company records, collects evidence from the scene of your accident and pores over medical and police records that reveal how your accident happened and the long-term cost of your injuries. That way, we can go after the compensation you need to get life back on track after an accident.

Why Are Kentucky Semi-Truck Accidents So Dangerous?

Kentucky’s highways are an important part of the nation’s interstate trucking routes, and semi-trucks are a familiar sight across the state. This makes accidents involving trucks common for people who share those roads with such large vehicles. Many differences exist between accidents involving two cars crashing and a driver being involved in a semi-truck accident. At the Whaley Law Firm, we understand that semi-truck accidents are rarely minor.

What makes semi-truck accidents so dangerous in Kentucky? When fully loaded with cargo, a 50-plus-foot-long semi-truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Semi-trucks carrying so much weight can quickly become more difficult to control if a driver isn’t aware and alert at all times. A semi-truck may be unable to stop if trucking companies fail to properly maintain the truck or if a trucker or third party overloads the trailer, thus placing a strain on the truck itself.

Semi-truck accident injuries can be devastating, requiring long-term hospitalization and resulting in steep medical bills and an inability to return to work. When such a large vehicle crashes into a 5,000-pound passenger vehicle, it’s common for accident victims to sustain catastrophic head and spinal cord injuries, broken bones and fractures, and other serious injuries. A loved one may even suffer a wrongful death as a result of accident-related injuries.

When dealing with the long-term costs associated with a semi-truck accident, an attorney can launch a thorough investigation into the truck driver and trucking company responsible for the truck. We can investigate “black box” information and other data that may reveal fault for an accident. We’ll obtain medical and police records to determine fault in your accident and the long-term costs associated with your accident.

How Can I Hold the Trucking Company Responsible?

Determining fault in a truck accident can be complex. The driver might be liable in a commercial vehicle accident, but other parties may share some of the responsibility. In some instances, a trucking company may have contributed to the accident. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates the commercial trucking industry. But that doesn’t mean trucking companies are willing to adhere to safety and maintenance standards.

The Whaley Law Firm understands how difficult life can become after a truck accident in Kentucky. That’s why we take a hard line against negligent trucking companies that may be partially or even fully at fault for an accident. When a truck company doesn’t adhere to standards designed to keep other drivers on the road safe, that company needs to be held accountable.

Trucking companies are required to keep many different types of records. They must be able to prove that their fleet of vehicles is properly maintained and free of potentially hazardous safety issues, such as defective brakes or tires. Furthermore, trucking companies are required to hire skilled, trained drivers and ensure they follow important rules such as the FMCSA’s Hours of Service regulations that limit the amount of hours a trucker can spend on the road each week.

In Kentucky, contributing factors in truck collisions include the following, which can be traced back to a negligent trucking company:

  • Failure to properly secure a load
  • Tire failure
  • Defective brakes
  • Oversized load on a vehicle
  • Defective tow hitch, resulting in separation of units
  • Overweight trucks, which can lead to brake failure or an out-of-control truck
  • Steering failure
  • Defective headlights

In many truck accidents, the trucking company and its insurance carrier launch an immediate investigation to find ways to minimize liability. Their investigators often arrive at the scene within hours of a crash. That’s one of the reasons why it’s critical to contact Louisville truck accident attorney Aaron Whaley as soon as possible.

At the Whaley Law Firm, we have the experience and resources necessary to thoroughly investigate your truck accident. We’ll investigate driver safety records and qualifications. We can obtain maintenance records kept by the trucking company. We’ll take a close look at the hiring, training, and supervising practices of the trucking company. If a trucking company was responsible for your accident, we’ll fight to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

What Types of Injuries Typically Occur in Kentucky Truck Accidents?

Truck accident injuries are rarely minor. When a passenger vehicle, motorcycle, bicyclist, or pedestrian is struck by a truck at any speed, the results can be catastrophic. A truck wreck can result in injuries ranging from broken bones to paralysis or brain damage. In many cases, a truck driver walks away facing only minor injuries. At the same time, the occupants of a car involved in a rear-end crash, head-on collision, or intersection accident are taken away from the crash by ambulance.

In short, truck accidents often cause devastating, life-altering injuries, including the following types of injuries:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Burn injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Paralysis
  • Wrongful death

If you or a loved one was injured or you lost a loved one in a truck accident, you may be entitled to compensation for a variety of losses. The Whaley Law Firm may be able to pursue a number of different types of damages, including medical bills, loss of earnings, pain and suffering, and other types of benefits. A truck company or insurance company may try to pressure you to accept a settlement before the true cost of your accident is known. Don’t let them push you around. We can help.

What Compensation Can I Recover for My Truck Accident Injuries?

Truck accident victims are often confronted by the at-fault party’s insurance company in an attempt to make a quick settlement. Unfortunately, insurers typically offer a lowball price, hoping the victim will walk away so they can close the case quickly. Insurance agents ignore the critical damages victims deserve in a truck accident claim.

However, you don’t have to settle for a price that will not match your current and future financial needs. Our legal team has helped countless victims recover damages in full in truck accident claims. We will apply our experience and knowledge to get you the best results possible following your truck accident injuries.

Economic Damages

One form of compensation included in successful personal injury claims involves economic damages. These costs are monetary expenses the victim has incurred and may include:

  • Medical expenses, including future medical costs
  • Doctors’ visits, hospital stays, and rehabilitative costs
  • Surgical procedures
  • Lost income, including lost wages, salaries, bonuses, and vacation time
  • Decreased income-earning ability due to injuries sustained in the accident
  • Property damage
  • Medical equipment and home renovations due to new disabilities gained in the crash
  • Reasonable funeral and burial expenses


Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are more difficult to calculate but are equally important in a truck accident claim. Truck accident victims often suffer a great deal of emotional and physical pain. While no amount of money can undo this suffering, it can help victims and their families to move forward and return to their lives as much as possible when they are compensated for their emotional injuries.

Sadly, the insurance company will usually fail to account for non-economic damages in their initial settlement. However, with knowledgeable truck accident lawyers on your side, you have much better chances of being treated fairly and making a full financial recovery. Some examples of non-economic damages include:

  • Past and future pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Catastrophic injury
  • Wrongful death
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of companionship


Additional Damages

If the driver’s or company’s actions were criminal in nature, you may be entitled to additional damages, known as punitive damages. This monetary compensation occurs when your injuries were caused by someone who broke the law or engaged in gross negligence. Call our legal team immediately for the best chances of recovering the money you deserve for economic, non-economic, and punitive damages.

How Does Distract Driving Lead to Louisville Truck Accidents?

Distracted driving is a menace on our roads under any circumstances, but it’s an order of magnitude worse when the distracted driver is behind the wheel of an 80,000-pound tractor-trailer. You would think professional truck drivers would put a high priority on attentiveness, but unfortunately, too many are tempted to text and drive or otherwise drive distracted. In part, that’s because truckers spend long hours on the road and are under extreme pressure from the trucking companies to keep their trucks in motion, so if they need to do something, they may do it while driving and divide their attention.

In general, there are three types of distraction behind the wheel:

  • Visual distraction, or taking eyes off the road. Truck drivers may be visually distracted by a GPS device, reading paperwork, using an electronic device, or simply looking away from the road to grab an object inside the cab.
  • Manual distraction or taking hands off the wheel. This may include adjusting the radio, eating and drinking, or texting.
  • Cognitive distraction, or taking the mind off the task of driving. Talking to a dispatcher or using a cell phone creates a cognitive distraction, but so does simply being lost in thought or worried about work or personal matters.

Texting truckers are especially dangerous because the act of composing or reading a text message involves all three types of distraction, but no distraction is entirely safe. That’s why strict federal regulations enforced by the Federal Motor Carrier and Safety Administration (FMCSA) restrict what truck drivers are allowed to do behind the wheel. It’s also why trucking companies have a legal responsibility to train and supervise their drivers to ensure they operate their vehicles safely. Unfortunately, too many trucking companies and truck drivers fail to address the dangers of distracted driving, and serious accidents can follow. When that happens, we hold them accountable.

What Should I Do if I’ve Experienced a Commercial Truck Accident in Kentucky?

Experiencing a trucking accident can be terrifying. Many victims of commercial truck crashes are so overwhelmed by the experience that they aren’t sure what to do next. Following a few simple guidelines can help protect you physically, financially, and legally. You should make your safety the top priority, removing yourself from the flow of traffic and contacting the authorities. Once you are recovering, reaching out to a experienced truck accident lawyers can make all the difference in your truck accident case.

Stay at the Scene to Avoid Hit-and-Run Charges

Kentucky law requires all those involved in an accident to stay at the scene of the crash. Each party should do their part by exchanging contact and insurance information. It is also legally required to offer reasonable aid to victims. If you do not remain at the accident scene, you could be charged with a hit-and-run, which is a crime in Louisville.

Ensure Safety for Yourself and Others

Your top priority should be ensuring that you and other victims are safe. This may include getting out of the traffic flow and seeking medical treatment. Even if you don’t think you are injured, you should still be seen by a medical professional to verify that you don’t have any masked injuries. The adrenaline rush of the crash often makes people think they’re okay, when they could have a concussion, internal organ damage, or worse. If you can’t call an ambulance, assign one person to do so, or the crowd may simply stand by thinking someone has already called for help.

Contact the Authorities

A collision should be reported to the police as soon as possible. This is essential in truck accident cases where matters may become legally complicated. Having the police report can serve as vital evidence to prove what caused the crash and help you get the compensation you deserve.

Protect Yourself Legally by Contacting an Experienced Truck Accident Attorney

Finally, once you are recovering, your next step should be to contact Louisville truck accident lawyers who can explain your legal options and help you decide how to proceed with your trucking case. A truck accident attorney can help uncover evidence to back up your story and get you the full compensation you deserve. When you are suffering because of a negligent truck driver, trucking company, or other party, you need excellent legal counsel and representation. Call The Whaley Law Firm today for the help you need at this critical time.

Should You Hire Our Truck Accident Attorney?

Victims of trucking accidents often suffer devastating injuries and even death. If you or a loved one was injured in a commercial truck accident, you can rely on our truck accident attorney for the legal assistance you need. We will listen carefully to your questions and address your concerns with compassion and clarity. Our vast experience makes us your ideal ally as you confront this challenging situation. We have handled countless car accidents, including commercial truck accidents. Call our caring, capable legal team to for a free consultation with our talented legal team. You can reach us at 502-532-2340.