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Louisville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Ready To Fight For You

The Whaley Law Firm Gets Justice For Victims And Families Who Lost Loved Ones

As any bike enthusiast knows, few experiences can match taking to the open road in Kentucky on your motorcycle. They’re fun and economical, and most riders are well-aware of injury risks when involved in an accident. That’s why most motorcyclists ride defensively. They use caution when approaching intersections, and they keep an eye on other motorists, who may be talking on cell phones or otherwise distracted. While drivers and passengers in larger vehicles have airbags and seatbelts to protect them, motorcycle riders have relatively little protection when involved in an accident with a car or truck.

Unfortunately, motorcycle wrecks can – and do – happen in Louisville and all over Kentucky, often resulting in serious injuries to you or a passenger on your motorcycle.

Why do motorcycle accidents happen? You may be traveling along I-64 under the Riverfront Plaza when a speeding driver changes lanes without looking. Perhaps a distracted driver leaving the Jefferson Mall failed to observe your right-of-way at a stop sign or traffic signal.


The Whaley Law Firm understands that most motorcyclists are law-abiding drivers who make every attempt to safely and responsibly share the road with others. If you’ve done nothing to cause your accident, you shouldn’t have to pay for someone’s careless mistakes. We’re here to support you in your motorcycle accident lawsuit and fight for the compensation you need and deserve. Contact us today at 502-532-2340. for a free case consultation with a motorcycle accident attorney.

Top Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Who’s to blame? In many cases, insurance companies will point the finger at the motorcycle rider. However, in many accidents, the motorcyclist has done nothing to cause the accident. The other driver may insist she simply “failed to see” your motorcycle. The motorcyclist may have been operating legally, but a driver may have not properly checked mirrors when changing lanes.

The Whaley Law Firm understands that motorcycle accidents can have a variety of different causes. But some causes of crashes are more common than others on busy roads such as Bardstown Road, Third Street, the Gene Snyder Freeway and Interstate 64. Some of the most common causes of Kentucky motorcycle accidents include:

  • A car or truck moves into a motorcyclist’s right of way.
  • A driver is talking on a cell phone, sending a text message or distracted in some form or another and strikes a motorcyclist from behind.
  • A driver is drunk or under the influence of drugs and fails to react to a red light or traffic signal, leading to an intersection accident.
  • A driver is speeding or weaving in and out of traffic lanes on a highway.
  • A motorcyclist comes into contact with unmarked road defects, such as bumps, potholes, loose gravel or debris.

Unfortunately, even when wearing helmets and other protective gear, motorcycle accident injuries tend to be severe, and in the worst-case scenario, result in fatalities. The Whaley Law Firm is ready to prove fault in your accident and fight for the compensation you need to get life back on track after an accident.

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What to Do Following a Motorcycle Accident

The Whaley Law Firm recommends taking the following steps after an accident:

  • Escape immediate danger. Many motorcycle accidents often involve extensive property damage, debris, fuel leaks and spills, creating a fire hazard for motorcyclists involved in an accident. Move yourself and any passengers to safety and make sure everyone else at the scene of the accident is out of danger.
  • Contact the police. Report your crash to law enforcement immediately. Police will document facts of the accident, identify witnesses, injury victims and whether a driver may be at fault. Information contained on your official Kentucky traffic accident report can become critical when filing an insurance claim or contesting a denied claim.
  • Seek medical assistance. Even if you don’t believe you’ve been injured, visit the emergency room or your doctor. Some injuries – such as head injuries or internal bleeding – may not be apparent after an accident. Undergo an examination and all necessary diagnostic tests such as X-rays and MRIs immediately.
  • Record details about your accident. Record contact information for other drivers involved in the accident. Record witness contact information. If possible, take photos of the accident scene, including damage to vehicles, proximity to intersections and traffic signals, skid marks, weather conditions and traffic conditions.
  • Contact an experienced attorney. Motorcycle accidents, like other types of motor vehicle accidents, require a great deal of investigation. The sooner you retain legal counsel after an accident, the sooner an experienced attorney can get to work collecting evidence and launching an investigation into the true cause of your accident.

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Bias against Motorcycle Riders in Accidents

The Whaley Law Firm understands that motorcycle enthusiasts often face an unfair reputation. Over the years, motorcyclists have been depicted as reckless. Motorcyclists have been considered “daredevils” who risk their well-being every time they share the road with others. Even worse, many insurance companies are quick to use these misconceptions against injured motorcycle riders after an accident.

Most people don’t ride. Many Kentuckians assume a motorcyclist is a daredevil who should accept the blame for the crash, regardless of the facts. The insurance company may be willing to take a case to trial, hoping to use this bias to its advantage.

Louisville motorcycle accident attorney Aaron Whaley takes an aggressive stand on behalf of his clients. If the case needs to go to trial to prove the other driver was negligent, attorney Whaley is prepared to argue before a judge and jury.

Despite the negative reputation motorcyclists often face, the reality is that most riders ride defensively. They know that motorcycle safety is important. But despite taking the proper precautions – from wearing helmets and protective gear to adhering to speed limits and traffic signals – accidents can happen through no fault of the biker. Yet while occupants of larger vehicles often walk way without a scratch, motorcyclists often aren’t so lucky.

We understand you have enough to worry about after a motorcycle crash. Medical bills can skyrocket, leaving you burdened with unexpected expenses. Moreover, the physical and emotional toll can be overwhelming, causing immense pain and suffering. You may also be unable to return to your job or provide for your family. You shouldn’t have to face bias from insurance companies and other parties looking to keep your compensation to a minimum.

Contact the Whaley Law Firm today. Don’t delay. In Kentucky, the statute of limitations for motorcycle accidents is 2 years. This means you only have 2 years from the date of the accident to file. Don’t take a chance and lose out on a settlement. We’re ready to protect your rights and fight for the benefits you need.

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