Where Personal InjuryMeets Personal Service

Experienced Car Accident Attorney in Louisville, KY

Fighting for Justice on Behalf of Injured Clients

Car accidents happen on Louisville roads and highways every day, from Bardstown Road on the city’s southeast side all the way up to the “Spaghetti Junction,” where Interstates 64, 65, and 71 meet on the city’s north end. Accidents can happen to the safest drivers through no fault of their own. You may be on your way to Waterfront Park or the Jefferson Mall when you’re rear-ended by a texting driver. A drunk driver may even cause a fatal accident on the Gene Snyder Freeway. Car accidents come in many shapes and sizes, from rear-end crashes to head-on collisions. The Whaley Law Firm handles any type of car accident involving negligence, distracted driving, broad-side collisions, hit-and-runs, and rollovers, among other common types of car wrecks. We are proud to represent injured pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. We also file wrongful death claims on behalf of families of people killed in fatal car accidents. If you or your loved one has experienced a Louisville car accident, we can help. We will make the most of your insurance claim and seek compensation in a lawsuit if necessary. Our car crash lawyer will stand by your side and fight aggressively for full compensation on your behalf. Call 502-532-2340 today to schedule a free consultation with our compassionate, skilled legal team.

What Can I Do to Regain Control of My Life Following a Louisville Motor Vehicle Accident?

Before you were injured or your loved one was harmed in a car wreck, you might have thought that motor vehicle accidents hardly ever happen or that they happen to “other people.” Unfortunately, someone is killed every day on a Kentucky road – and even people who survive can find their lives changed forever. That’s why you have recourse under Kentucky law, and that’s where we come in. If you were injured or a loved one was injured or died in a car crash, get in touch with an experienced lawyer. We know your world can be turned upside down because some other driver was distracted or driving recklessly. At The Whaley Law Firm, we work tirelessly to protect the rights of those injured anywhere in Kentucky. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

What Do I Do When I’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident?

In the aftermath of a car crash, your adrenaline is high, you may be dazed and confused, and it can be easy to make mistakes. Knowing what to do after an accident can help protect your legal rights. Keep these answers in mind and make sure to reach out to us as soon as possible.

Call the Police

If you’re involved in a car wreck in Louisville, you should call the police right away to report the crash. Police will create an accident report detailing what happened in the crash, which can be a valuable piece of evidence when you’re trying to pursue a personal injury claim. Information contained in the accident report may indicate who’s at fault, how the accident happened (e.g., the other driver was texting, speeding, etc.), and document any injuries.

Avoid Talking to Insurance Adjusters

After a car accident, you may hear from an insurance adjuster who might ask you to sign paperwork or give a recorded statement about what happened in the crash. Talking to the insurance company could hurt your claim. The insurance adjuster works exclusively for the insurance company – not for you – and they’re trained to ask questions designed to hurt your claim. You may inadvertently make a statement that could result in less compensation. We strongly urge you to decline giving a statement about your accident without first talking to an experienced lawyer.

Seek Medical Treatment

Seek medical attention immediately, even if you don’t think you’ve been injured. Crash victims are often not aware that they’ve been injured because some symptoms aren’t noticeable right away. You may be feeling overwhelmed, and your adrenaline may be covering up your pain. Some injuries take days or weeks to become apparent, which means your health may suffer if you wait too long to see a doctor. Some internal organ injuries and brain injuries might not have noticeable symptoms but can turn fatal if left untreated.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in a car wreck, you are not required to hire an attorney to pursue a personal injury claim, though hiring a lawyer can dramatically increase your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. It’s been shown that personal injury victims who get a lawyer to help them with their claim receive more compensation on average than those who don’t. An experienced lawyer can investigate your crash, collect evidence to build a strong case on your behalf, negotiate with the insurance company, and represent you in court if necessary.

What Types of Louisville Car Accidents Are the Most Dangerous?

Any car accident can result in painful injuries. However, certain types of crashes are known for their tendency to cause devastating injuries or even death. These include head-on collisions, accidents involving a commercial truck, motorcycle accidents, and T-bone crashes. Drunk driving accidents also typically cause catastrophic injuries and may result in punitive damages for victims and their families. Whatever type of crash you’ve experienced, you need Louisville car accident lawyers who will fight for your interests and prove that you were not at fault. When you hire our Louisville car accident attorney, you can rest assured that we will stand by your side and work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve.

Head-On Collisions

A head-on crash occurs when two vehicles collide from opposite directions. These wrecks may take place when one person mistakenly drives on the wrong side of the road, either on a one-way road or any other street. When head-on collisions happen, they often cause terrible injuries or death because of the severity of the impact. These crashes are sometimes the result of driving under the influence when the other driver doesn’t realize what they’re doing. If you have experienced a head-on collision, you should get immediate medical help, even if you think you’re not injured. You should also report the incident to the authorities. Once you are recovering, please consider contacting a Louisville car accident lawyer to learn about your rights and see if you should file a claim for your auto accident.

Commercial Truck Accidents

Another type of wreck that is notorious for causing severe injuries is when a commercial truck collides with a passenger vehicle. The smaller size and mass of a passenger car are no match for the massive weight of a semi-truck or other commercial vehicle, often leaving other drivers and passengers critically or fatally injured. Some examples of catastrophic injuries that arise in commercial accidents include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken or crushed bones
  • Lacerations
  • Internal organ damage
  • Burns
  • Blindness
  • Loss of limb (amputation)
  • Paralysis
  • Death

Accident victims may struggle to recover compensation following a crash with a commercial truck because these cases are more complex than a typical car crash. In a commercial truck accident, many entities could potentially be at fault, including the driver, trucking company, loading crew, or trucking manufacturer. Hiring experienced car accident attorneys is one of the best ways to ensure you hold liable parties responsible and recover damages in full.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are also well-known to cause severe or fatal injuries, largely because the motorcycle driver is so vulnerable in a crash. Even when complying with safety measures, like wearing a helmet, the biker’s body is still unprotected because they lack the barrier of a vehicle surrounding them. Motorcycle riders are also the subject of many false notions, including that the motorcyclist is always at fault. Sadly, many accidents occur simply because the at-fault driver was not paying attention. If your accident resulted in severe damage and was the fault of another driver, you may be entitled to compensation. Reach out to our personal injury lawyer today for help recovering financially from your motorcycle accident.

T-Bone Crash

Another severe accident is the T-bone crash. This type of wreck gets its name because the two vehicles form the shape of a T when they collide. T-bone collisions often occur at intersections where one driver ignores a red light or stop sign or makes an illegal turn. The direct impact experienced by one driver can leave victims critically injured. If you or your loved one have been in a T-bone crash, please don’t wait to take action. Louisville car accident attorneys like those at The Whaley Law Firm can help you identify ways you were injured in the accident. Your car accident lawyer will also investigate to uncover the truth about what caused the incident. Call today to learn more about how we can help you make a full recovery following your T-bone accident.

Drunk Driving Crashes

One of the most frustrating types of car accidents might be a drunk driving crash. When a person is inebriated, their reaction time is much slower, making it nearly impossible for them to slow down or swerve out of the way to avoid a collision. Because of this, drunk driving accidents often occur at high speeds, resulting in severe impacts that cause a great deal of damage. When a drunk driver causes an auto accident, the victims are entitled to damages. This may include punitive damages because the at-fault driver broke Kentucky law. Contact our law firm immediately for skilled lawyers who will protect your right to compensation in a drunk driving car accident lawsuit.

How Much is My Car Accident Claim Worth?

If you were injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you might be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost earnings, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and more. The value of your claim will rely heavily on the extent of your damages, including the severity of your injuries, which means your case could be worth hundreds, thousands, or maybe even millions. It really all depends on your specific circumstances.

Economic Damages

When most people think of car accident claims, the compensation that comes to mind is often for economic damages. This monetary compensation includes items that can be easily calculated, such as property damage and medical bills. Some other examples of economic damages car accident victims can recover in a successful car accident claim include:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Decreased income-earning ability
  • Property damage
  • Hospital bills
  • Costs of surgical procedures
  • Charges of emergency transportation, such as an ambulance or life flight
  • Medical equipment, including a wheelchair
  • Home renovations to accommodate disabilities incurred in the accident
  • Physical therapy and other rehabilitative care
  • Chiropractic care
  • Funeral expenses (within reason)


Non-Economic Damages

Many car accident victims don’t realize that they can also seek compensation for non-economic damages. These injuries are more difficult to quantify. However, non-economic damages are equally valid and merit compensation in a car accident claim. Non-economic damages that car accident victims may be entitled to include:

  • Past and future pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish
  • Trauma, including PTSD
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of consortium
  • Wrongful death


Punitive Damages

Finally, experienced car accident lawyers can help victims recover compensation for punitive damages in some cases. These involve car accident claims where the at-fault party broke Kentucky law, such as when the accident was caused by a drunk driver. If you would like to get a good idea of what your claim is worth, schedule a free consultation with a lawyer right away. Our dedicated legal team in Louisville can meet with you, answer your questions, discuss your legal options, and give you honest advice on what to do next.

What Injuries Do Car Accident Victims Experience in Kentucky Motor Vehicle Accidents?

Part of recovering damages following a car crash is proving the extent of your injuries. If you can demonstrate that the other person was at fault and that they caused severe suffering, you have a better chance of success in your car accident lawsuit. An experienced car accident lawyer can help gather evidence, including medical records, the police report, and more, to show that you deserve compensation for your injuries. Some common injuries that a car accident victim may experience in a Louisville car accident include:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI) – A serious car crash often results in damage to the head and brain, including open head wounds, closed head wounds, and concussion. When the brain shakes from the impact, this can break blood vessels and deprive parts of the brain of the oxygen it needs to function. TBI victims may experience memory loss, learning disabilities, mood disorders, or even death following their injury. Please seek immediate medical attention to avoid permanent damage from a TBI.
  • Spinal cord injury – Damage to the spine, including the neck and back, can be life-altering. These injuries often result in a great deal of pain that prevents the victim from living their life as they would have before the accident. In more serious scenarios, car crash victims may experience partial or total paralysis due to spinal cord injuries. Victims should hire trusted personal injury attorneys to help them get fair compensation following motor vehicle accidents in Louisville.
  • Broken bones – One of the most common results of a Louisville car accident is broken, sprained, or crushed bones. Drivers often suffer fractures in their hands or feet in an accident because they are gripping the steering wheel or slamming on the brakes to avoid the impact. Any bone fracture can be incredibly painful and may stop you from working or enjoying your life. Severe breaks may lead to expensive surgical procedures. Contact an experienced attorney for help with the claims process following your Louisville car accident.
  • Internal injuries – Internal injuries can be particularly insidious because they are difficult to detect. Many auto accident victims don’t seek medical attention because they don’t realize they’ve been hurt. However, this can lead to permanent injury or even death. Please get help from a trusted medical professional to ensure you don’t have masked injuries such as internal bleeding or organ damage.

Whose Insurance Pays for Car Accidents in Kentucky?

Kentucky is one of three states that use a “choice no-fault” system for car insurance. By default, car insurance policies purchased in Kentucky are no-fault policies that include up to $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP), which covers a minimum of $10,000 in medical bills, lost wages, and other “out-of-pocket” costs. If you have no-fault insurance, you generally cannot sue the at-fault driver for compensation for your injuries unless the accident caused at least one of the following:

  • Permanent disfigurement
  • Fracture of a weight-bearing bone
  • Compound, compressed, or displaced fracture of any bone
  • Permanent loss of a body function
  • Any permanent injury
  • Any injury or combination of injuries resulting in at least $1,000 in medical bills

If you choose to opt out of the no-fault system (which must be done in writing), then you are free to pursue compensation for a car accident in a liability claim or injury lawsuit against an at-fault driver. That cuts both ways, however: if you cause a car accident after opting out of no-fault, you can also be sued for that crash. In addition, people who opt out of no-fault are not entitled to mandatory PIP benefits from their own insurance company. This system is complex and nuanced, and the insurance companies don’t help matters by making policy documents deliberately difficult to read. Things can be even more difficult if your crash involves an uninsured or underinsured motorist or a hit-and-run driver who is not found. We would be happy to review your policy and help you understand your legal options, whether that’s a first-party claim with your insurance company or a third-party claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

What Additional Consequences Could Arise in Car Accident Cases?

A car accident can lead to any number of serious injuries, emotional trauma, and financial complications in an instant. You may be left wondering how to get back to normal when facing months of physical rehabilitation or multiple surgeries. Ambulance fees, emergency room bills, and long-term costs may skyrocket. You may be unable to return to work, care for dependents, or do the things you love. You have endless questions and don’t know where to turn. In short, a bad accident is far more than just a single event. It has a ripple effect on every aspect of your life: your career, your family, and your future. You need full compensation for what you’ve lost, but the insurance company will do everything in its power to downplay those losses – or blame you for them. To them, it’s all business. To you, it’s personal. That’s why we’re here. We understand the full impact of a severe Kentucky car accident. We’re ready to help you fight for the compensation you need to cover the long-term cost of your accident.

What Should I Know About Insurance Adjusters?

Insurance companies may try to argue that you were at fault in order to keep your payments to a minimum. Even if they accept responsibility, they may try to convince you to accept an unreasonably low settlement. Insurance companies can create a great deal of confusion. Their adjusters are trained to protect the interests of the insurance company. They often have good people skills, which can fool some accident victims into thinking the adjuster is on their side. Nothing can be further from the truth. The adjuster gets paid to deny claims and minimize payments. If you do have to talk to an insurance adjuster or other insurance company representative, keep the following in mind:

  • Avoid volunteering information. Answer their questions as narrowly and concisely as possible.
  • Don’t give any specific information on your injuries. Say you’re receiving medical treatment and leave it at that.
  • Don’t give your consent to have your conversation recorded. Any recorded statement can be taken out of context and used against you.
  • Avoid saying anything about fault for the accident. Stick to the facts of what happened.
  • Push back on any claims the adjuster makes that you disagree with. For instance, if the adjuster says, “I’m glad you’re feeling better,” and you are not, in fact, feeling better, say so. That way, the insurance company can’t use your implicit agreement to downplay your injuries.

The best option, though, is to have an experienced lawyer talk to the insurance company on your behalf. Attorney Aaron Whaley is familiar with all their tactics, and he takes an aggressive stance on behalf of clients. Don’t talk to the adjuster after your accident. Talk to us first.

How Can The Whaley Law Firm Help With My Car Accident Claim?

The first element needed to win a car accident case is proof of fault for the accident. The Whaley Law Firm is familiar with what causes car wrecks in Kentucky and the most common types of car accidents that occur on our roads. We have the knowledge and resources necessary to prove fault in your accident. We collect evidence. We interview witnesses. We pore over police accident reports and medical records. We will get to the bottom of what happened – and hold the responsible party accountable. We also spend a great deal of time listening to our clients’ stories and seeking to understand the full impact of the accident on your life. An attorney can help calculate the full amount of damages (financial compensation) you deserve, including:

  • Medical expenses: everything from the ambulance ride to the emergency room to future surgery should be included in your claim. Hospital bills, doctor’s visits, follow-ups, physical therapy, surgery, medication, and even mileage to and from your appointments all need to be accounted for.
  • Lost income: both the paychecks you lost if you missed work in the initial recovery period and long-term lost earnings if your injury will affect your ability to work or qualify for advancement.
  • Home services: the reasonable cost of maintenance, cleaning, childcare, yard work, or anything else that you are no longer able to do because of your injury and thus need to hire someone.
  • Modifications to your home or vehicle: If you have a permanent disability, you should be compensated for physical modifications to accommodate it.
  • Pain and suffering: compensation for your physical pain, mental anguish, and emotional distress.
  • Loss of quality and enjoyment of life, as well as loss of consortium – a legal term for damage to your relationships with your spouse and family due to the injury.

We will pursue compensation for all your losses, both in negotiations and, if necessary, in court. We also recognize how intensely personal a serious injury can be. That’s why we take pride in providing each of our clients with the personalized, individual attention necessary to make things right.

Should You Hire Our Car Accident Attorney?

After a car crash, make The Whaley Law Firm your first call. You can’t afford to go it alone after a car accident. You may think you can’t afford a lawyer, which is why we work on a contingency fee basis. You don’t pay us a cent out of pocket; we advance the costs to move your case forward, and we only get paid if and when we secure a settlement or win a verdict on your behalf. There are no fees unless you win. It’s that simple. The key is to get us involved as soon as possible so that we can start our investigation and begin dealing with the insurance company on your behalf. If you’ve been in a bad crash, we can help you find the way forward. Contact us today at 502-532-2340 for a free consultation with an experienced Louisville car accident attorney.