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What To Do If You Get Hit By A Wrong-Way Driver In Kentucky

Louisville Car Accident Lawyer Explains What Steps To Take In Kentucky.

An increasingly common type of car accident in Kentucky involves drivers going the wrong way on the road and crashing head-on into another vehicle. This is why state and federal officials recently appropriated $5.14 million to prevent wrong-way car accidents in Kentucky, according to WHAS 11 ABC News.

“We’re pleased to support these innovative solutions that will improve driving and public transit for Americans in urban, suburban, and rural areas alike,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said about the grant, which is part of a $45 million nationwide federal grant intended to prevent wrong-way accidents.

How Common Are Wrong-Way Car Accidents?

In recent years, wrong-way accidents have become increasingly common in Kentucky, according to a recent announcement from the Kentucky Transportation Department. Between 2015 and 2020, there were 88 wrong-way accidents in Kentucky. These accidents – which primarily involved a driver using an off-ramp in the wrong direction – resulted in 27 serious injuries and 16 fatalities.

“Wrong-way driving is a major safety challenge, not only in Kentucky but also throughout the United States,” Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said. “These funds will allow us to use innovative video technology to help monitor and bolster safety on corridors prone to these types of incidents.”

Steps Being Taken To Prevent Wrong-Way Accidents

The $5.14 million grant will enable Kentucky to install several types of systems designed to prevent wrong-way accidents, including:

  • Detection systems that identify wrong-way drivers in real-time.
  • Active warning systems designed to discourage wrong-way drivers.
  • Electronic warning systems that alert drivers and emergency responders that someone is driving in the wrong direction.
  • Monitoring systems that identify possible safety hazards, including disabled vehicles, debris on the road, and pedestrians.

What Should I Do After A Wrong-Way Accident?

While we applaud the efforts of officials to prevent wrong-way accidents, the ultimate responsibility falls on negligent drivers. Here’s what you should do if a driver going the wrong way crashes into your car:

  • Call the police immediately and tell them what happened.
  • Ask the police to send an ambulance.
  • Don’t approach the other driver. The driver might be drunk or under the influence of drugs. Wait for police to arrive.
  • If you’re on a highway and you and your vehicle are in the travel lane, move your vehicle off the road, so you don’t get hit a second time.
  • Don’t move your vehicle if it’s safe to leave it where it is.
  • Turn on the hazard lights on your vehicle.
  • Do not stand in the roadway. Wait for police a safe distance from the road, so you don’t get hit again.
  • As soon as possible, call a lawyer to learn more about your legal rights.

How A Car Accident Attorney Can Help You

You might think you don’t need a lawyer if the other driver was driving the wrong way and hit your car. But you would be surprised how even the most seemingly straightforward car accidents often turn into complicated legal cases. This is why it’s critical that you have an experienced attorney on your side, standing up for your rights.

A Kentucky car accident lawyer at The Whaley Law Firm in Louisville can help you every step of the way. Our legal team knows the laws that apply in wrong-way car accidents. We know what evidence to look for and what questions to ask. That’s why we have such a strong track record of success.

Discover what we can do for you. Contact our law firm and schedule a free consultation with a Kentucky car accident attorney who puts your best interests first. We work on a contingency fee basis. That means you only have to pay us if we secure a financial settlement or verdict for you. It’s that simple.