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How Did Your Car Accident Happen?

The majority of car wrecks in greater Louisville are the result of driver negligence. Some of the most common crashes we deal with at The Whaley Law Firm are linked to distracted driving, drunk driving, drowsy driving, speeding and aggressive driving. These often result in:

  • Rear-end collisions
  • Side-impact (T-bone) collisions
  • Head-on collisions
  • Rollovers
  • Single-car crashes
  • Lane-departures (sideswipes)
  • Multi-vehicle crashes

No matter how safe of a driver you are, nobody can predict when they’ll be involved in a car wreck. It’s critical that you know what course of action to take in the event of a crash. Here’s what you should know:

Steps You Should Take Immediately After A Crash

Being involved in a crash can be a shocking and frustrating experience. It’s critical that you take a moment to assess the situation and regain your composure. You are required to move your car out of the line of traffic, call the police, and exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver. The actions that you take in the moments after a crash can be beneficial if you decide to pursue a claim against the at-fault driver. Here are some effective ways to begin building a strong case:

  • Take pictures of the crash scene if it is safe to do so. Fresh evidence can disappear quickly. If you have a cellphone or camera handy and are able to get out of your car and walk around, consider taking multiple pictures of the crash scene. You may capture the damage to both cars, tire marks in the road, and any nearby surveillance cameras.
  • Take note of the other driver’s behavior. Noting the other driver’s behavior immediately after a crash can be helpful to your claim. For example, the other driver may admit fault and apologize. The driver may also try to deny fault, become aggressive or appear intoxicated.
  • Interview witnesses and take down their contact information. It’s common for witnesses to stop and provide help after a crash. It’s important that you ask them what they saw and exchange contact information with them. A witness may have seen the other driver behave erratically prior to the crash and even captured it on a dashcam.

What To Do In The Days Following A Car Wreck

First and foremost, you must report your crash to your insurance company. Only stick to the facts and keep your comments brief. Anything you tell an insurance company (even your own) can be misinterpreted as admitting fault.

Secondly, you should see a doctor, even if you feel fine. It’s common for crash-related injuries to cause delayed symptoms. After a doctor performs an X-ray, MRI or physical examination, you may learn that you have sustained an injury you weren’t aware of. You may also learn that you need to take time off from work and certain activities while receiving medical treatment. A timely and official diagnosis from your doctor can prove that your injuries were related to your crash.

A Louisville Law Firm Handling Car Accident Claims

Lastly, you should consult with an experienced Louisville car accident lawyer who can investigate your crash and deal directly with the insurance companies. Insurance companies often don’t have your best interest in mind. Even if it was clear that you were not at fault for your injuries and your injuries were legitimate, they’ll find any reason they can to pay you as little as possible. Insurance companies are known for offering quick small settlements to crash victims in order to close cases as quickly as possible. While a quick settlement may sound good while you’re dealing with financial hardship, it won’t cover the full extent of your damages.

You need an experienced lawyer on your side who can place an accurate value on your case and fight to recover every dollar owed to you. The Whaley Law Firm has the legal knowledge and experience to deal with the insurance companies for you. We know how to investigate crashes like yours and bring forth evidence to support your case. We also know how to negotiate fair settlements and fight for verdicts for our clients. Contact us online or call us to schedule your free consultation.