Where Personal InjuryMeets Personal Service

Slip and Fall

FAQs About Slip And Fall Accidents

Louisville, KY slip and fall attorney Aaron Whaley provides the following frequently asked questions to help Kentuckians who were injured and falls. Click on any of the following questions to find answers. If you have other questions or need to find out if you have a slip and fall accident case, call 502-532-2340. today or contact us online for a free and confidential consultation.

What should I do after a slip and fall accident?

If you’ve slipped, tripped and fallen on somebody else’s property, report your accident to the property’s owner or manager immediately and seek medical attention, even if you believe your injuries were minor. Certain injuries – such as internal organ damage or brain injuries – may take days or weeks after your accident to become apparent. Having your accident documented by both property owners and medical professionals is a critical component of a successful premises liability case in Kentucky. The property owner or the insurance company may dispute your claim. That’s why it’s important to contact an attorney as soon as possible. Louisville slip and fall lawyer Aaron Whaley has handled slip and fall accidents and can help you collect evidence and navigate the court system.

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What is a premises liability case?

The term “premises liability” refers to the legal responsibility of property owners, managers, employees and even friends and neighbors to maintain safe and secure conditions for all visitors to their property. Furthermore, property owners are required to carry minimum amounts of insurance to compensate those injured on their property. When an accident occurs on somebody else’s property due to negligence, injury victims – or loved ones of an injury victim who suffered a wrongful death – can file a premises liability claim to pursue compensation for accident-related losses.

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What if I slip and fall and get hurt at work?

If you slip and fall at work, you may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim to pay for your medical bills and replace your lost wages while you are unable to work. You generally cannot file a lawsuit against your employer if you slip and fall at work. If the accident was caused by the actions of a third party – some company other than your employer – you may be able to bring a lawsuit against that company. Without the help of an experienced attorney, these cases can quickly turn into complex legal matters involving multiple parties.

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Who pays my injury bills?

Property owners, business owners and even homeowners are required to carry liability insurance to protect injury victims in case an accident occurs on their property. When a claim is filed, it is the responsibility of the property owner’s insurance provider to compensate you for medical bills associated with the accident. However, some insurance companies will delay your claim, pressure you to settle for less than you deserve or deny your claim altogether. An attorney at the Whaley Law Firm can fight to prove the extent of your injuries to insurance companies and maximize the compensation you deserve.

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How does a slip and fall lawyer help me?

A Louisville slip and fall attorney at the Whaley Law Firm can fight for compensation for your medical bills and future medical bills, lost wages and future lost wages, pain and suffering and other possible damages. Aaron Whaley and his team can collect evidence from the scene of your accident. We interview witnesses. We pore over medical and police records. We can even launch an investigation into the property or business in which you were injured. Best of all, the initial consultation is free, and, if you choose to hire us, you won’t pay any attorney’s fees unless you win.* The success of a slip and fall claim generally depends on the available evidence and presenting your case the right way. The Whaley Law Firm can advocate on your behalf when it comes time to settle with the insurance company. If necessary, we will file a lawsuit and take your case to court to protect your rights.

* Per the Kentucky Bar Association advertising rules, we are required to state that court costs and related fees are the responsibility of the client. However, at the Whaley Law Firm, our policy is to waive these costs and fees in the event there is no award.

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