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What’s Being Done In Louisville To Prevent Pedestrian Accidents?

People on foot lack the protection that an automobile provides, making pedestrian accidents some of the most severe and deadly. For example, according to a report by WAVE 3 News, nine pedestrians have died in the first five months of 2022.

Louisville is taking steps to prevent more pedestrian fatalities, starting with Vision Zero.

According to Vision Zero Louisville:

“Vision Zero is a safe systems approach to eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries through safe streets, safe speeds, safe vehicles, and safe people. Since 2014, over 900 people have died on Louisville’s streets. This loss of life is unacceptable. Louisville Metro Government believes traffic deaths are preventable. Our vision is to eliminate traffic deaths on our streets by 2050.”

What Is The Vision Zero Network?

The Vision Zero Network is an international initiative that recognizes communities taking “demonstrable and significant actions to ensure mobility for all people.”

Implemented first in Europe, Vision Zero is gaining momentum in the U.S.

Cities like Charlotte, North Carolina, Richmond, Virginia, and Chicago have already become a part of the Vision Zero Network. When a city commits to Vision Zero, they are committing to the following strategies:

  • Building and sustaining leadership, collaboration, and accountability among transportation professionals, policymakers, police, public health officials, and community members.
  • Collecting, analyzing, and using data to understand the impacts of deaths on certain populations.
  • Prioritizing equity and community engagement.
  • Managing safe speed levels.
  • Setting a timeline to achieve zero traffic deaths and serious injuries.

Louisville Is The Vision Zero Network’s Newest Addition.

Under the Vision Zero Network, Louisville will follow specific strategies to eliminate fatal crashes. The ordinance will require city agencies like Public Works and the Louisville Metro Police to create an action plan and provide yearly updates to the Metro Council.

The ordinance was recently approved after the city revealed fatal crash data. Since 2014 in Louisville, 185 pedestrians have died on our roadways.

One way to combat pedestrian accidents is to identify the most dangerous roads in Louisville and develop a strategy to make them safer through engineering and design.

Public Works Transportation Planner Supervisor Amanda Deatherage told WAVE 3 News: “We really are focusing on those big arterial roads like Broadway, like Preston Highway, like Dixie Highway, these bigger roads for our communities. And trying to build a complete street network through these corridors so people of all modes can use those corridors safely.”

Making Louisville’s roads safer for pedestrians is a step in the right direction, but it’s important to remember that it only takes one negligent driver to cause a collision that leaves you or someone you love with severe injuries. Injured pedestrians have recourse through the civil justice system, but holding the at-fault driver accountable can be complex. That’s when having experienced legal representation on your side can make a dramatic difference in the outcome of your case.

Hit By A Car In Louisville? Talk To A Pedestrian Accident Attorney Today.

If you were hit by a reckless driver while on foot in Louisville, you need to protect your rights and know your legal options. You might think you don’t need an attorney since your case looks straightforward on the surface. But negligent drivers often deny responsibility, and insurance companies will do anything to keep your compensation to a minimum.

At The Whaley Law Firm, attorney Aaron Whaley has been protecting the rights of injury victims and their families in Louisville for decades. We play hardball with the insurance company so our clients can get the compensation they need and deserve. To discover what we can do for you, contact our law firm today to schedule a free consultation.