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Avoiding Mistakes After Kentucky Motorcycle Accidents

Kentucky motorcycle accidents are far too common.  Just recently, WCPO reported a man was killed in a fatal motorcycle collision in Kentucky when he drove his motorcycle off the road into a ditch.  The 35-year-old motorcycle rider was thrown from his bike and sustained serious injuries. He was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident and early reports from law enforcement suggest both speeding and alcohol may have played a role in causing the collision.

Motorcycle riders need to obey the rules of the road, avoid traveling too fast, and avoid behaviors like drunk driving which could endanger themselves and others. Unfortunately, even when a motorcyclist does everything correctly, the rider still faces risks from other drivers. When motorcycles and cars accidentally collide, motorcycle riders have to know their rights and avoid mistakes which could affect their ability to make an injury claim. 

What You Should Not Do After Kentucky Motorcycle Accidents 

When a motorcyclist is involved in a collision in which any third party may be to blame, there are certain steps which should be taken after the crash. These steps are important if the motorcyclist believes another driver caused an accident, or believes the crash happened due to a defect in the motorcycle or a problem with road conditions.  Failing to do the right things after a collision could make it harder for motorcycle accident victims to be fully compensated for the losses Kentucky law says they could be entitled to receive compensation for.

Some of the mistakes which could jeopardize your right to make a case under Kentucky law include:

  • Not getting medical attention: You need medical records to show your injuries happened due to the crash.
  • Failing to call the police and report the crash: A police report could help you to prove how the accident happened. Police can also help you get contact info for the other motorist.
  • Not notifying your insurance company: You need to let your own insurer know of your injuries in case the driver who hurt you doesn’t have enough insurance. You could potentially be paid under uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage available from your own insurer.
  • Failing to document the extent of injuries: You want to have as much proof as possible about the severity of your injuries, the costs of medical treatment, and the time missed from work.
  • Not getting witness contact information at the crash scene: You may need witnesses to back up your story about how the accident happened in case your version of events is contested.
  • Failing to take photos at the crash scene, of your injuries, and of damage to the motorcycle and cars involved: These photos can help you to prove exactly how the accident happened, which should make it easier for you to get compensation.

These are just a few of the common errors which victims of motorcycle accidents make and which could affect their legal rights.