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How Does An Attorney Help After A Car Accident?

Reasons Why You Should Consider Retaining Louisville Injury Lawyer Aaron Whaley

If you’ve been in an auto accident in Louisville or elsewhere in Kentucky, chances are you have more questions than answers. How much is my claim worth? How long can I wait until I file my claim? Should I hire an attorney or should I deal with the insurance company on my own?

Sometimes, injured accident victims aren’t sure about the seriousness of their situation. They’re not sure when to hire a car accident lawyer. And they’re worried about how much it will cost to have an experienced, successful car accident lawyer on their side.

Louisville car accident attorney Aaron Whaley can help you cut through the confusion. If you were injured or a loved one died, contact the Whaley Law Firm as soon as possible for a free case consultation. At no cost to you, a member of our team can answer your questions, explain the value of your claim, and help you decide what to do next. You only have a limited amount of time to file a car accident claim. Call 502-532-2340 today.

The Whaley Law Firm has years of experience and a proven track record when it comes to making sure clients get the compensation they need. Medical expenses can add up quickly after a car wreck in Kentucky. In addition, victims may need to take unpaid time off from work to recover.

How An Experienced Lawyer Can Make A Meaningful Difference

Car accident injuries can lead to unexpected medical and physical complications immediately after the crash and years or decades later. You must make sure that you get all the compensation you deserve. Accepting a lowball settlement means running the risk of having to pay for crash-related medical expenses like surgery and physical therapy out of pocket. If the accident wasn’t your fault, you shouldn’t have to pay for these expenses.

Unfortunately, the insurance company sometimes is not willing to cover the true costs of an accident. That’s where an aggressive attorney can help.

The experienced legal team at the Whaley Law Firm has earned a reputation for being passionate advocates for victims’ rights. Insurance companies know we will make sure they are held accountable for their obligation to compensate accident victims for accident-related expenses such as medical bills, cost of future care, lost wages, future lost wages and other damages sustained in an accident.

After a car crash, you may find that the person who caused your accident denies wrongdoing. Perhaps he or she was driving recklessly, texting and driving or even under the influence of alcohol. Furthermore, insurance companies may try to downplay the extent of your injuries or pressure you in to accepting a settlement before the long-term cost of your injuries is known. We take an aggressive stand against negligent drivers and insurance companies.

We have the experience and resources necessary to prove fault in your car accident case and prove the extent of your injuries to insurance companies. We collect the evidence you need. We’ll pore over medical records and police reports. If necessary, we can employ an accident reconstructionist team to determine the cause of your accident. We turn over every stone on behalf of our clients to get them the car accident compensation they deserve.

No Payment Unless There Is A Successful Settlement Or Verdict

How much does a car accident lawyer cost? You won’t have to worry about paying upfront costs. That’s because we receive an attorney’s fee based on the amount we’re able to recover on your behalf. The fee is deducted from the final settlement. If we are unable to recover compensation, you won’t have to pay us any legal fees.*

We believe this “contingency fee” arrangement is ideal, because it motivates the attorney to fight hard to win big. You and your attorney are working together toward the same goal. It’s all about fighting for the best result we can possibly get for you.

If you’re asking, Should I get a lawyer for a car accident that wasn’t my fault? The answer is 100% “yes.” You didn’t do anything wrong, but the insurance company is still going to try to pay you as little as possible for your injuries and lost wages. You need a strong attorney to fight for every dime they owe you for medical expenses, lost wages, pain, and other damages. If the insurance company won’t make you a substantial settlement offer, the Whaley Law Firm can represent you in a lawsuit to get results.

Discover the difference the Whaley Law Firm can make. Contact us. Call 502-532-2340 today for a free case consultation with an attorney who is ready to protect your rights.

* Per the Kentucky Bar Association advertising rules, we are required to state that court costs and related fees are the responsibility of the client. However, at the Whaley Law Firm, our policy is to waive these costs and fees in the event there is no award.