Where Personal InjuryMeets Personal Service


Compassionate Louisville Fatal Car Accident Lawyer

An Experienced Attorney Can Help Your Family Move Forward

There are few things as difficult as losing a loved one in an auto accident. Because fatal crashes happen so suddenly, your family may be left reeling, unsure of what to do next. The person who died was an important part of your life, and finding ways to move forward without his or her love, support and companionship is never easy.

We understand that you may not want to involve an attorney at this difficult time. But contacting the Whaley Law Firm may be an important step as you start to move forward. Taking legal action can’t bring your loved one back, but it can help provide closure for your family and provide much-needed financial support for the people left behind.

We Investigate Fatal Accidents And File Wrongful Death Claims

In Kentucky, the personal representative of a deceased person’s estate has the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the person or organization liable for the death. In the case of a fatal auto accident, that means we can file a wrongful death claim against the motorist at fault for the accident – and against that person’s insurance company.

While the personal representative of the estate files the wrongful death claim, the damages (financial compensation) awarded benefit both the estate and the surviving family members. The estate receives a portion of the award intended to compensate for funeral and burial expenses as well as reasonable legal costs for pursuing the claim itself. Compensation for the loss of care, companionship, guidance and support of the deceased person is awarded to the surviving family members.

A wrongful death lawsuit is a civil action. While there may be criminal charges filed by the State of Kentucky in connection with the death, the criminal case is distinct from the civil case. Because civil court has a lower burden of proof than criminal court, you may still be able to recover compensation if the at-fault driver is acquitted of criminal charges.

Our Legal Team Will Pursue Compensation For Your Family

We understand that you’re going through a difficult time, and we want to help. Attorney Aaron Whaley and his legal team will work hard to help your family get the compensation you need to move forward with your lives. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation.