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FAQs About Kentucky Car Accidents From Louisville Attorney Aaron Whaley

You’ve been in a Kentucky auto accident and you have questions. You’re not alone. Most people are not sure what to do to protect their rights after a car wreck in the Jefferson County area. To help you, we have provided a few frequently asked questions. If you don’t see your question here or you simply want to talk to an attorney about your case, call 502-532-2340 for a free and confidential consultation.

Do I need to call the police if I’m in an auto accident?

Yes. After an accident, it is essential to report the crash to police and seek medical attention immediately if somebody is hurt at the accident scene. The Kentucky traffic accident report filed by police based on observations made at the accident scene generally plays a crucial role in determining liability in the crash. We use it to help victims determine the compensation and other benefits they may be entitled to receive. Information contained on a police report may reveal fault for the accident (such as if another driver was under the influence of alcohol) or be used to prove the extent of your injuries or other damages.

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Should I talk to an insurance adjuster if one contacts me?

No. After an accident, you may hear from a friendly sounding insurance adjuster who wants to talk about the accident. He or she may ask you sign a statement or make a quick recorded statement for the record. Talking to the adjuster can only serve to hurt your accident claim. The adjuster works exclusively for the insurance company – not for you. The adjuster knows how to ask questions designed to undermine your claim. You may unwittingly make a statement that could result in less compensation. We strongly urge you to decline to make any comments about your accident to the adjuster for the insurance company. If you have an attorney, give your lawyer’s name to the adjuster. If you don’t have an attorney, call the Whaley Law Firm as soon as possible. You can tell us the name of the adjuster or the insurance company and we can handle it for you.

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How soon after the accident should I seek medical treatment?

Seek medical attention immediately if you suspect you have an injury. Accident victims sometimes are not aware of the seriousness of the injury immediately after the accident. You may be feeling overwhelmed, and your adrenaline may be causing you not to notice the injury. Some injuries take days or weeks to become apparent. Your health may suffer if you wait too long. Some internal injuries, including brain injuries, may start out as feeling like minor pain, but can turn fatal if left untreated. Furthermore, you’ll need to take your injuries seriously if you want the insurance company to take them seriously. You’ll be in a better position to get compensated if you have documentation proving you visited an emergency room or a doctor after your car crash.

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Can I handle my claim on my own or should I hire an attorney?

You don’t have to hire an attorney after an accident, but hiring an experienced legal advocate can dramatically increase your chances of receiving compensation if your accident was caused by somebody else’s negligence. Timing is everything when it comes to filing a successful claim. Launching an investigation quickly is essential in proving fault and obtaining the compensation you deserve. Attorney Aaron Whaley has experience handling complex claims and getting clients the results they need. You have nothing to lose and potentially so much to gain by contacting us. We offer free consultations to accident victims. We’ll listen to you and then talk about your options. You may decide you can handle the claim on your own after speaking with us, but you also may find out that we can give you a serious edge when seeking compensation for your losses.

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Will the case go to trial or settle?

Most car accident cases do settle. But every injury case in Kentucky is different. Accident victims have different needs. At fault drivers may deny any wrongdoing or try to shift blame to the victim. The Whaley Law Firm prepares every case as if it will go to trial. We generally start by pursuing a settlement on the client’s behalf, but will file a Kentucky car accident lawsuit if that’s the best option. Such actions should never be taken lightly. We will keep you informed and only will go to court after fully discussing the potential benefits and risks involved.

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What are the “damages” I might receive when the case is resolved?

You may be eligible to receive damages – monetary compensation – for the following accident-related losses if you’ve been in a car crash in Louisville or anywhere else in Kentucky:

  • Medical bills
  • Cost of future care
  • Lost wages
  • Future lost wages
  • Pain, suffering and emotional distress
  • Punitive damages (meant to punish particularly reckless drivers and serve as a warning to other drivers not to engage in such behavior)

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