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Why Are Kentucky Drivers In Such A Hurry To Get Into Car Accidents?

If you think you see a lot of aggressive drivers in Kentucky, it’s not your imagination. A recent report by GasBuddy ranks the state’s drivers ninth in the nation for irresponsible driving habits.

“Aggressive driving is caused by someone who is typically in a hurry or they run into incidents of road rage and let that influence their driving,” said Sgt. Josh Lawson, commander of the state police’s public affairs branch. “It might not seem serious, but minor things can cause huge accidents on busy roadways and interstates.”

Nationally, statistics show:

  • 66 percent of fatalities are caused by aggressive driving.
  • 37 percent of aggressive driving incidents involve a gun.
  • Young men under 19 are most likely to exhibit road rage.
  • Half of drivers who are victims of aggressive behavior, such as horn honking, a rude gesture or tailgating, respond aggressively.
  • Over a seven-year period, 218 murders and 12,610 injuries were attributed to road rage.
  • 2 percent of drivers admit trying to run an aggressor off the road.

Are You Part Of The Problem?

You may think only other people are guilty of aggressive driving and causing road rage but ask yourself some questions. Do you:

  • Speed or try to “beat” red lights because you are in a hurry?
  • Tailgate or flash your headlights at vehicles you believe are too slow?
  • Honk the horn often?
  • Use obscene or other angry gestures at another driver?
  • Use your phone while driving, or otherwise drive while distracted?
  • Switch lanes or make turns without using your signal?
  • Fail to check your blind spot before switching lanes?

Answering yes to any of these questions is a sign that you may want to drive more cautiously to avoid putting yourself in the middle of a road rage incident.

Don’t Get Mad, Get A Lawyer 

If you are the victim of a car accident caused by an aggressive driver or road rage, emotions that already boiled over in the heat of the moment are not likely to abate soon. Furthermore, you may be injured, out of work and unable to provide for your family. It’s likely the other driver is going to blame you for the accident. An insurance company, knowing you are financially desperate, will try to take advantage of you with a lowball settlement offer that falls far short of compensating you for your pain and suffering.

Louisville car accident injury lawyer Aaron Whaley, of The Whaley Law Firm, has built his practice representing injured people just like you. He and his team of experts will use their experience and resources to secure your future so you can focus on your healing. They work on a contingency fee basis, so you pay nothing unless they win your case. Contact them for a free case consultation today.