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Aggressive Driving And Speeding Are Both On The Rise On Kentucky Roads

Just about every driver has encountered an aggressive driver at some point. Aggressive drivers tend to drive at unsafe speeds, tailgate, cut other drivers off, fail to yield, or pull dangerous maneuvers.

Aggressive drivers usually behave this way when they are stressed out, in a hurry, or impaired by drugs or alcohol. Some drivers do it for fun.

If the reckless actions of another driver caused your crash, be sure to reach out to an experienced car accident attorney who can legally advocate for you.

Kentucky Police Cracking Down

In March, 2020, the Kentucky State Police launched a campaign dubbed “Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks” to crack down on aggressive drivers, according to the Northern Kentucky Tribune.

“Many preventable crashes result from unsafe driving behavior such as speeding, distracted driving and following too close. Oftentimes, we see this on our highways when motorists and commercial vehicle drivers struggle to share the road,” said Sergeant Jason Morris.

In 2019, there were 6,147 truck crashes linked to aggressive driving that resulted in 88 deaths.

Speeding Has Become A Problem With Less Traffic

Most cases of aggressive driving involve speeding. There are fewer people on the road due to the coronavirus. So, more drivers are using these more open roads as an excuse to speed. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, drivers across the U.S. are being clocked at speeds of 100 mph or higher.

This poses a major safety risk to drivers who comply with the posted speed limits. It is also a risk for drivers entering on-ramps or pulling off of roadside shoulders. That’s because speeders have less time to react to a crash risk and reduced stopping distance. In addition, speeders generally have less control of their vehicles and increase the likelihood of a crash being severe.

According to state crash data from the NHTSA, 111 out of 724 traffic fatalities in 2018 involved speeding.

What Legal Options Do I Have After A Car Accident Caused By Speeding Or Aggressive Driving?

If you were involved in a crash with a driver who failed to comply with the posted speed limit or was behaving erratically, there is no question as to who was at fault. The at-fault driver’s insurance company will argue otherwise. They have a slew of tricks up their sleeve to shift the blame on you. They may try to convince you to accept a small settlement.

That’s why you need an experienced Kentucky car accident attorney at The Whaley Law Firm advocating on your behalf. Since 2004, our legal team has helped injured motorists in the greater Louisville area recover all damages owed to them after a crash. We know how to take on the insurance companies and negotiate for a fair settlement so you don’t have to pay out of your own pocket.

Contact us online or call our Louisville office at 502-532-2340 to get started. Our consultations are confidential and free of charge.