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How To Ditch Bad Driving Habits In 2024

Discover Safe Driving Tips For Kentucky Drivers.

This is the time of year when people are inspired to make positive changes in their lives. Looking for something different to do this year? The AAA driving association has a suggestion – break bad driving habits that often result in serious car accidents during the holidays.

“Bad driving habits may be universal, but they are not irreversible,” says AAA. “Just a few adjustments can change your behavior.”

So, what are some of the worst driving habits? Do Kentucky drivers have many of the same bad habits? And what can drivers do to ditch these bad driving habits in 2024? Our legal team at The Whaley Law Firm explains.

What Are The Most Common Dangerous Driving Habits?

Each year, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (the research organization for AAA) conducts a nationwide study to measure whether drivers engage in common dangerous driving habits. The foundation recently released the results of its 2022 survey. Nearly 2,500 anonymous drivers nationwide participated in the “2022 Traffic Safety Culture Index.” According to the study, some of the dangerous habits drivers admitted to doing within the last 30 days include:

  • Talking, texting, or emailing while driving “a few times” – 31.5 percent.
  • Not stopping at a red light – 24.8 percent.
  • Driving 15 mph over the speed limit on a highway or 10 mph over the speed limit on a residential street – 22.7 percent.
  • Drove with their eyes barely open due to being so tired – 17.9 percent.
  • Drove without wearing a seatbelt – 14.5 percent.
  • Drove while under the influence of alcohol and presumably over the legal alcohol limit – 6.9 percent.

What Bad Driving Habits Are Common In Kentucky?

Unfortunately, drivers in Kentucky have many of the same bad habits as drivers nationwide. According to the most recent Kentucky car accident statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drivers in Kentucky are often involved in collisions due to some of the dangerous driving habits identified by AAA in its recent study. Specifically, Kentucky car accident fatality statistics for 2021 involved:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol – 190 deaths.
  • Speeding – 143 deaths.
  • Not wearing a seatbelt – 286 deaths.

Steps To Be A Safer Driver

There are many steps drivers can take to ditch some of the worst driving habits. Such safety tips include:

  • Turn off your cellphone while driving or set it to “do not disturb” mode.
  • Have a plan to get home safely if you plan to drink alcohol. Common ways to avoid drinking while driving include having a designated driver, contacting a rideshare service such as Uber or Lyft, or taking public transportation home.
  • If you frequently exceed the speed limit, set your cruise control to a reasonable speed, especially while driving on highways. Another suggested solution for avoiding speeding is to leave a few minutes earlier if possible.
  • If you feel tired while driving, take a break. Pull off to the side of the road and give yourself a rest. On longer road trips, take a rest break every two hours.
  • Come to a complete stop at all stop signs and red lights at all times.
  • If you encounter an aggressive driver, don’t react to them. Continue driving and stay calm.

Seeking Legal Help After A Crash

You might think you don’t need a lawyer if another driver was to blame for your Kentucky car accident. Unfortunately, claims involving car crashes caused by other drivers can quickly become complicated legal cases. That’s because the insurance company for the at-fault driver has a financial incentive to pay as little as possible. And the result could be that you don’t receive the financial compensation you deserve.

When this happens, you need to fight back and protect your legal rights. That’s why you need a hard-hitting Louisville car accident lawyer in your corner. At The Whaley Law Firm, we know how to handle tough legal cases. We have been fighting for car accident injury victims in Kentucky for years.

Get the Louisville law firm that knows how to play hardball with the insurance company. Contact us and schedule a free consultation. We work on a contingency fee basis. That means you only have to pay us if we secure money for you. It’s that simple.