Where Personal InjuryMeets Personal Service


What To Do After A Slip And Fall Accident

slip and fall accident can happen anywhere at any time. People in Louisville and throughout Kentucky are hurt every year in parking lots, restaurants, bars, office buildings, supermarkets, shopping malls and amusement parks. They can suffer injuries that range from broken bones to serious head or back injuries.

If you were injured on someone else’s property in an accident caused by negligence, you deserve financial compensation. But these cases can be difficult to prove. Property or business owners may deny responsibility and won’t admit to doing anything wrong. They may even suggest that the accident was your fault.

There are steps you can take after your slip and fall accident to protect your health and your rights.

Get Medical Treatment.

See a doctor as soon as possible, even if you think your injuries are minor. It’s important to be examined to determine exactly how you were hurt and start treatment. Symptoms for some injuries, such as a concussion, may not appear until days later. Getting medical treatment can also help your claim for compensation. A doctor can document the injuries you suffered. Be sure to go to all follow-up appointments as well.

Report The Accident.

It’s important to report your slip and fall accident, wherever it happened. Report the accident to the store manager, business owner, property owner or landlord. Request a written report and ask for a copy. If you are asked to sign anything, politely refuse. Reporting your accident should be done as soon as possible. If your case ends up in court, a judge or jury might wonder why you took so long to report what happened.

Get As Much Documentation As You Can.

Such evidence can help build a stronger case for financial compensation. Examples of documentation may include:

  • A report of the accident from an owner, manager or landlord
  • Medical records for diagnosis and treatment of your injury
  • Ambulance bills (if an ambulance was called)
  • Photos taken of the accident location
  • Your written account of what happened
  • Witness accounts of the accident.

Don’t Give A Statement Or Answer Questions.

You may be contacted by the business owner, store manager, property owner, landlord or an insurance company soon after your accident. They may have further questions about what happened and what you were doing at the time of the slip and fall. Stick to the facts about how you fell and politely refuse to answer further questions or give a recorded statement.

Call A Lawyer.

An experienced slip and fall accident attorney can help you build a strong case. A lawyer can investigate what happened and take steps to gather further evidence, such as any video (security camera footage, eyewitness video, etc.) that was taken of your accident. A lawyer can also deal directly with owners and their insurance companies so you can focus on recovering from your injuries.

Aaron Whaley of The Whaley Law Firm has been helping people hurt in slip and fall accidents since 2004. If you’ve been injured in Louisville or anywhere in Kentucky, he can help. Contact us today for a free consultation. He can guide you through the legal process every step of the way and fight for the compensation you deserve.